Merry Christmas
@kiokoman @jwj
and hopefully a better new year ...
@fireodo You got that right! The helpful and often very nice people on the forum have been bright spot in an otherwise dark year.
This post is deleted! -
This post is deleted! -
the intention was to thank and greet everyone, not to attract spam, i'm sorry. pls you can lock the thread
What happened ??
There seems to be a lot of SPAM recently
There is spam all day everyday ;) I wonder if I can get a simple count on just the reported spam.. Give me a few minutes.
Ok since the update of the forum software, filtering on just flagged posts (can not really filter on just spam that I see. So this accounts for say wrong section and offensive posts being report.. But I show 2123 reports for posts going back to May 24, 2018..That is quite a bit of spam..
And that does not take into account stuff that is just blocked before they "could" spam...
edit2: Since that is like 950 days or so, and only works out to a bit over 2 reports a day.. Guess that is not as bad as it could be.. Knock on wood! But it seems to come in bursts to be honest.
edit3: This for sure is not any sort of accurate count.. I know for awhile some stuff was just getting deleted without being flagged.. I have done that in the past where would just delete some spam, but not click the report button.. So if anything this number is on the low side..
oh and happy holidays to all.. It sure wasn't the best of years or holidays for many all over the globe.. But better days are ahead of us, and this crappy year is almost behind us.. So there is good stuff to look forward too.. I for one can not wait to meet my buddies at a bar (inside!) and have a few cold ones.. I for sure will not be driving for that first meetup.. hehehe
I would love to travel overseas again, wifey & I had another trip to South East Asia planned for Feb/2020. We got it cancelled in time.
Happy holidays / New year & Thanks to the pfSense Team
Edit: I think i have flagged 6..8 posts these last 2..3 days , and one had even upvoted me , i lost the vote ... Thats cheating
When this all said and done and if any of you are in my neck of the woods, first round is on me!
@jwj said in Merry Christmas:
When this all said and done and if any of you are in my neck of the woods, first round is on me!
@bingo600 Not any more. I lived there 17 years, just outside of Bangkok in Nonthaburi. Now in North Carolina. Moving to NYC early summer.
I would, however, travel to BKK to hang out a bit. The whole family likes Thailand.
We like Thailand too.
But we spend 4 weeks in Vietnam in 2018, that was even better.
Same smiling people , less crime.
Not as "touristy" and approx. ½ price of Thailand.We have to go back there again, and then maybe North Thailand & Cambodia ...
But i expect we're in 2022 before "Overseas" would be feasible again
@bingo600 said in Merry Christmas:
2022 before "Overseas"
Yeah, I think that's right.
How did you know/guess Thailand for me?
Profile Background pict (Main profile) -
Very cool. That picture is actually in Burma. I was working in a refugee camp in that area, the Burmese army would fire shells into the camp from those mountains in the background. Fun times...
So it was "Hot" in several ways
@bingo600 Yeah, those hills were what we called a black zone. The Burmese army would shoot anything that moved. Quite an eye opener for a software geek like me.
@johnpoz said in Merry Christmas:
I for sure will not be driving for that first meetup.. heheheI wish to all a good passage to the New Year and all the Best!