SG-3100 on 2.4.5-RELEASE-p1 (arm), nv.d3.js file corrupt, correct way to fix?
I have been running an SG-3100 for a couple of years now and really love it, so much so that I rarely have to think about it (the sign of good tech is that you never notice it!)
However, my ISP has been having some issues lately so I wanted to look at the traffic graphs in the management interface of my pfSense box but they were all blank. Checking my browser console, it was showing invalid characters in the source file nv.d3.js (U+0000, nulls). Turns out it was apparently exactly the issue in this post because the corruption in that exact file was at the exact position the poster showed, at line 9656 of /usr/local/www/vendor/nvd3/nv.d3.js.
The way I fixed my own was I manually replaced the corrupt file with the tagged version from the git repo (tagged RELENG_2_4_5).
In the article, they recommended running
pkg install -f pfSense-base
Since I'm running Netgate hardware on Netgate releases, is that the recommended fix? I'm concerned there may be other files corrupt (although I've not noticed any other issues) but I also don't want to lose any settings/customizations. Any advice?
Hmm, that's interesting. Not sure I've ever seen that.
If you have any doubt I would backup the config and re-install 2.4.5p1 clean.
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