XG-2758 Nightlies status?
So, I've been running the 2.5.0 snapshots on one of our XG-2758 for awhile now, but noticed I stopped getting updates on "built on Fri Nov 27 07:04:32 EST 2020."
At first I thought it was just a Christmas code freeze, but with the pfSense+ announcement and Wireguard announcement, I noticed one of the units we have running CE has a much newer build date (and includes now the new Wireguard tools.)
So my question is, did my repos break on the XG running the Factory firmware? Or has there just not been a release in that long, as things are moving to pfSense+?
Did all the normal pkg/update clean stuff.
No your XG-2758 is not broken.
We had to stop building factory snapshots while we made the required changes and tested them.
You should be able to upgrade to 21.02 when it's released as normal.
@stephenw10 thanks for that, I just didn't know if I'd missed something where repo's changed or whatnot.