SG-1100 energy saving configuration
he wanted to know how to set the correct parameters for energy saving of the SG-1100
It is better to enable power D or to set the parameters individually:
AC power supply
Battery powered
Unknown power
and choose between Hiadaptive Adaptive Minimum Maximum.
I want the best configuration for two reasons, one to not get the SG-1100 too hot and two to save energy. -
I'd recommend Adaptive, in my experience it's the fastest to both react to load and reduce to power saving mode. Hiadaptive keeps the processor at a higher frequency for longer before reducing, Maximum locks it at its highest frequency and Minimum locks it at its lowest frequency.
This option don't work on an ARM Device.
If you set it, you got a Log entry with no driver for this or so. -
@provels ok
can you provide me with a screendhoot so I put the protected parameters that are ignorant? thank you -
@antonio-briguglio I do not understand ...
can you explain me with simple words? thank you -
Le impostazioni di risparmio energetico non si applicano all'SG-1100 perché utilizza un processore ARM. Non lo sapevo, mi dispiace. Ok? -
Yes, the SG-1100 is already as optimised as it can be. The ARM CPU does not offer software controlled frequency scaling.
@provels ok grazieeee
@stephenw10 Thanks for the clarification
Google translate, LOL -
@provels yes LOL