2.4.5_1 update to 21.02 failed on SG-2440
Update said complete and waiting for reboot. Never came back up. Was able to connect to console and can see this message. The only function that works on the console is reboot.
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function xml_parser_create() in /etc/inc/xmlparse.inc:176
Stack trace: -
Fastest way back up is going to be to install 21.02 clean. It will probably find you old config but if not you always import a backup after the install.
If you don't have the image open a ticket with us here: https://go.netgate.com/Steve
@stephenw10 - I'm seeing problems on an SG4860 that works in an IPv4 environment, currently it has been saying "Obtaining update status" for 15 hours now and "Retrieving CPU data" - I'm suspecting internal DNS issues although I've been running the current updates for years and running pfsense on netgate hardware for about 14 years now.
I'd like to have the option to simply load the previous release because it worked fine. -
I assume that was this? https://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/11443
Which is annoying but appears to be entirely cosmetic.
@stephenw10 - yes, that was the cause. I was thinking that it was related to the IPv4 DNS server issues that were stopping all WAN activity but allowing the dashboard to display that solved the problem.
@stephenw10 Opened a ticket with Netgate and they gave me the link to download 21.02 for a clean install. Recreated config by hand. Thanks for the help!