Nat Problem After Upgrading
I upgrade my two Netgate XG-7100 to 21.02 last week, the upgrade was fine.
Yesterday I noticied that all Nat entries in my second Wan doesn't work, in Wan1 Nat works properly.
These are the NAT RULES
Looking Firewall Rules I see this entry blocking the traffic.
In firewall Rules there aren't any rules blocking the traffic
In Packet Capture I see this traffic in Wan2
This is the Packet Capture in Wan1 where the Nat works.
I create a simply Ftp Server just for testing, and I have the same problem, in Wan2 Nat does´t work, in Wan1 yes.
Why all Nat Traffic in Wan2 is being bocked?
Is there any problem with Version 21.02?
Yes, it's a known issue in 21.02/p1.
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