Shutting down by Windows command?
Hey, guys!
To be fair, I didn't researched that much for the solution that I wanted, but I would like your opinion:Explaining the scenario:
I have a nobreak that shuts down my Windows Server by command line in a .bat archive (shutdown -s -f -t 0) but I want to involve my pfsense to shutdown inside this command line.Is there a way to shutdown my pfsense by this kind of command line that I can add into my .bat archive?
Use winscp and script a ssh command.
@itpp21 Hey, tks for the help, but I was wondering if there's a command that I can insert in my actual .bat archive.
Something like: shutdown -ipofmypfsense -s .... -
can be done with putty"C:\Program files (x86)\puTTY\plink.exe" -ssh -root@pfsenseip -pw <password> poweroff
@kiokoman said in Shutting down by Windows command?:
"C:\Program files (x86)\puTTY\plink.exe" -ssh -root@pfsenseip -pw <password> poweroff
That's great!
I'll try and post later.Thanks, guys!