pfSense plus price - Non Netgate HW
@bingo600 said in pfSense plus price - Non Netgate HW:
Cisco FirePower
And what model(s) would you be looking at? Just curious.. Those are not cheap that is for sure - at those price points would be pretty sure you could get some actual netgate hardware and also purchase of full support contract for lower cost..
@bingo600 No, I am not. I gave you a response from a managerial perspective of the bean counter aka accountant. The bean counter would write-off the $1,750 at the end of the year from taxes as a business expense. Since your employer did not actually incur an expense but benefited financially, your employer makes a donation in the said amount to FreeBSD. In other words, we, the people, made the donation.
You do know Cisco's "Large Corp" rebate
What they would suggest is prob. something like a 5510 , in the NextGen.
Or even a 5506 in NextGen./Bingo
@nollipfsense said in pfSense plus price - Non Netgate HW:
@bingo600 No, I am not. I gave you a response from a managerial perspective of the bean counter aka accountant. The bean counter would write-off the $1,750 at the end of the year from taxes as a business expense. Since your employer did not actually incur an expense but benefited financially, your employer makes a donation in the said amount to FreeBSD.
Won't work
DK tax laws would flog the accountant that did that.
My CORP would never allow a donation.
No invoice,No money -
Yeah I know the "rebate" or discount cisco claims.. ;) Even at some huge discount price, I really don't see how it would be "cost" effective compared to netgate..
But both 5510 and 5506 are EOL ;)
Big thing with cisco is - nobody ever gets fired for going with cisco ;)
Issue with going with something like netgate with pfsense over something like cisco is that mentality.. But if your running your firewalls on some DIY device now.. I would think you have already overcome that hurdle.. So going with an actual appliance with or without full tac support shouldn't be all that difficult if you can show cost savings.
@johnpoz said in pfSense plus price - Non Netgate HW:
Yeah I know the "rebate" or discount cisco claims.. ;) Even at some huge discount price, I really don't see how it would be "cost" effective compared to netgate..
CORP. would sponsor most , just to get our Test-Labs converted to FirePower
But both 5510 and 5506 are EOL ;)
I am a bit rusty wrt. the latest ASA & Firepower.
Big thing with cisco is - nobody ever gets fired for going with cisco ;)
Yupp ...
I'm 90% sure i will not be allowed to buy New "Major" HW if it doesn't have the Cisco brand on it.
@bingo600 said in pfSense plus price - Non Netgate HW:
@nollipfsense said in pfSense plus price - Non Netgate HW:
@bingo600 No, I am not. I gave you a response from a managerial perspective of the bean counter aka accountant. The bean counter would write-off the $1,750 at the end of the year from taxes as a business expense. Since your employer did not actually incur an expense but benefited financially, your employer makes a donation in the said amount to FreeBSD.
Won't work
DK tax laws would flog the accountant that did that.
My CORP would never allow a donation.
No invoice,No moneyI can tell you have no knowledge of accounting nor financing. As John said tell your CEO to get Netgate equipments plus the support contract ... don't use free stuff then, don't want to contribute. What kind of mindset is that?
See my edit about the DIY.. I would think you have already overcome a major obstacle in moving to something like netgate.
I was able to get some netgate hardware for some branch locations, but only for non mission critical applications. Its firewall for just the local internet for wifi use, etc. But it was a start.. Because it was so much cheaper than cisco or juniper..
@johnpoz said in pfSense plus price - Non Netgate HW:
But if your running your firewalls on some DIY device now.. I would think you have already overcome that hurdle..
I never asked when i build the LAB's. It was easier to get "forgiveness" than permission. But the security dept. don't forgive easily.
I think we should stop here.
All i wanted to know was a budget estimate for 7 Non pfSense hw boxes for next years budget.Now i'm being bashed for using pfSense wo. donating. to FreeBSD.
Bashed? Not sure where your seeing that? I think he was just offering up a way to support netgate/pfsense with a donation to freebsd. But I concur I don't see some company doing that..
The only people that could give you some estimate of what pricing model netgate is thinking of using would be netgate. Will that come out this summer, have no idea.
I have seen where they stated that at some point pfsense+ would be available for your own hardware. And also there was mention that for home/lab use there would be no cost..
What they might charge for wanting to use pfsense+ in production on your own hardware I have no idea. That is something they really should think hard and long about, nor am I sure how they make the distinction between production and "lab" use ;) Honor system??
But if your only using this in a "lab" I do believe pfsense+ will be available at no cost at some point in the future. That was my understanding of what was put out.
If what your wanting to do is move pfsense into production, and use for your company.. I would think official appliances with support level be it professional or enterprise level would be the way to go. Partly this provides company with way to support the hardware - if you are no longer with the company.. And the next guy has no clue to what pfsense/netgate is, etc..
Companies are always worried about that.. I had to go over that with company when I got ok to use even in with wasn't considered a "production" setup. Everything had to be documented, and while I was allowed to not get the support contract. I had to provide info how they could get support, and that support could be purchased, etc. If for whatever reason I was no longer able to support them.
You could prob reach out to netgate sales - they might be able to provide you some info that will satisfy what your after.. Some guesstimate over the phone or direct communication is far more likely than some post on a forum ;) I would think..
Bashed? Not sure where your seeing that?
I might be overly sensitive here , but the below was not what i expected, by asking for some prices.
...don't use free stuff then, don't want to contribute. What kind of mindset is that?
I think i'm contributing to the forum, and that is my way of paying Netgate back , for using their sw.
Re pricing:
Out Test-Lab's are "Production testing" devices , and verifying issues that costomers report. So it would be considered Production , and a pfSense+ fee would be applicable.The initial establishment budget was "low", and that lead me to get "alternate hw". If i could redo this , i would have fought harder to get budget for ie. 5100's. But that train has left the station.
So not so much a "lab" as test or development setup.. I get ya.. Quite often you will see 3 setups, sometimes even more..
You have actual production, you have test and also development normally.
I wish I could help - but I have no idea what their pricing model will be, etc. I would hope/assume it will be reasonable compared to other such alternatives for firewalls/routers etc..
Your best bet might be to reach out to sales directly.. Tell them what your looking to do - and see what they can offer.. Even if they have you sign a NDA before giving you some numbers or info, etc. Speaking directly to them is far more likely to provide fruitful info you could use I would think.
@bingo600 said in pfSense plus price - Non Netgate HW:
Now i'm being bashed for using pfSense wo. donating. to FreeBSD.
Not sure how you came to that conclusion; however, as a business executive with an MBA, I gave you a response that your employer executives and accountant would appreciate and implement. Just do it!
Just contact Netgate sales and see what they have to say. They're the only ones who can possibly give you the information you're seeking. It might be too early for them to say or perhaps they're just waiting for your email/phone call. Regardless of anyone else's position, or education level, or people they know, only Netgate can answer the question you asked. I've been curious to see what the pricing model was going to be. Best of luck!