username schedule
is it possible to create a per username schedule.
haid57 -
oh interesting, anyhow a specific use case in mind ?
For VPN login? For local login?
The short answer is no but there might be a longer answer.
@stephenw10 said in username schedule:
a longer answer.
oh yes i go with that one ;)
create a username on every second tuesday each month with the username like this
tuesday01 (jan)
tuesday02 (feb)
tuesday03 (mar)
..and a password.
then set a schedule rule on every Wednesday to disable the user created on that tuesday
oh boy ... my head ... gonna start to drink the better stuff if more fun is commin in ;)
Hmm, schedueled existence of users? Interesting.
I don't think that's what the OP had in mind though. I suspect he wanted something more like:
Connections from users in group 'A' are passed at any time. Connections from group 'B' are only passed at scheduled times.Doing that requires pfSense associate an IP with a user which is only possible using the Captive Portal or authenticated Squid. It is not possible to use Windows login (SSO) which is what a lot of people ask about.
yes, i have domestic helper at home, she stays awake till 3 am and wakes up after 10, i want to control her connection while keep the rest of the family open schedule.thanks for asking
DHCP fixed lease then schedule firewall rules to block and allow.
if you want to restict connection time you might also want to
separate the domesitc helper from rest of the family net (just to think about)
anothe thing to point out ... think about bandwidh limitation for the helpereasy way like @NogBadTheBad said
DHCP with a fixed IP
then set up alias for this ip eg domHelper
set up scheduler
the firewall rule with scheduler for this aliasother way
captive portal (used with a network (this will separate the helper from the family net)
and schedule timeanother way
set up a separate wifi with a vlan on your pfS
then you can also separate
and with the scheduler solve the connection time probbrNP