[SOLVED]Developing packages make install fails
I created a pfSense VM (VMware) with port and source to developing packages.
Copyed port into /usr/ports and source into /usr/src .
In the freebsd documentation stands: first "make install" than" pkg create" for creating a pkg package.
When I try to install(with make install) pfsense-pkg-cron, I get the error message that "make exec (install) failed (no such file or direcory) error code 1".
The make command that fails is the first line with install :
In Makefile:
${INSTALL_DATA} -m 0644 ${FILESDIR}${PREFIX}/pkg/cron.xml \ {STAGEDIR}{PREFIX}/pkg
In Shell:
"install -m 0644 -m 0644 /usr/ports/sysutils/pfSense-pkg-Cron/files/usr/local/pkg/cron.xml /usr/ports/sysutils/pfSense-pkg-Cron/work/stage/usr/local/pkg"I looked if the directorys and files exists and they are there.
Does anyone had the same problem or know how i can fix it?Many thanks
Toster -
as far as i know, there are no build tools installed on a default pfSense system (no gcc/cc or glibc)
that said, try make install pfSense-pkg-Cron
Here are my incomplete instructions on making a package: https://gist.github.com/jdillard/3f44d06ba616fec60890488abfd7e5f5
Thanks for help, now it works :)