Default Gateway - System / Routing or Gatways
It would be nice to synchronice the logic of menue an topic in System > Routing < > System: Gateway
I think the topic should be "System: Routing" …(2)
What about the default Route on the "official" WAN Port? I think it would be nice to have one automatic Default Route in the List of Gateways, when the WAN Port gets it via DHCP or PPPoE. And not only from WAN - all other DHCP and PPPoE Gateways may appear dynamicly in this list and get a refresh because they may be changed in the background by the ISP. Something like(x) auto discover gateways
What do you think?
I think you can find and / or define the default route of the LAN interface to the net by turning on advanced outbound NAT. Or are you asking about the default gateway assigned to each interface in a multiwan configuration? So far the new setup seems very intuitive for an Alpha Alpha release.