100% Loss on wan
Hi all for the last week my pfsense setup has been acting erratic, nothing has been changed apart from snort, Ids updates
I can be online quite happily then the connection will drop out and take a while to reconnect, it effects LAN connections to
I have looked on the logs under system gateway and can see loss sometimes upto 100% on the wan/pia interfaces
I have tried different pia servers with the same result, since yesterday it has been really bad and I'm luckily if I can get online at all
Another longer entry I have found states it has ran out of buffer space
Any ideas what's going on?
Thanks very much
I am interested in the SNORT subject as I will be trying this in my pfSense…
What is happening if you disable SNORT?? Is it fixing your Internet connection??
How much RAM you have in your box?? SNORT apparently require large amount to store all the definitions...
How do you test your WAN, is it standard PING?? Do you have any stealth rules enabled on WAN?? Something that would drop ICMP??
Hi all for the last week my pfsense setup has been acting erratic, nothing has been changed apart from snort, Ids updates
I can be online quite happily then the connection will drop out and take a while to reconnect, it effects LAN connections to
I have looked on the logs under system gateway and can see loss sometimes upto 100% on the wan/pia interfaces
I have tried different pia servers with the same result, since yesterday it has been really bad and I'm luckily if I can get online at all
Another longer entry I have found states it has ran out of buffer space
Any ideas what's going on?
Thanks very much
I have major, major problems with PIA weekly, and often daily. Has been this way for almost two years now. I have a crontab that reboots pfsense twice a day (yep), and a pair of Christmas light timers that reboot my cable modem twice a day. When the connection goes down, that is the ONLY way to get it back up. Restarting the openvpn service does nothing, taking the interface down and then up does nothing, only hard reboots work, and it must be on both devices. I have tried three cable modems and I have rebuilt my pfsense machine four times using three different NICs, reinstalled pfsense from the ground up at least a dozen times using every tutorial and/or youtube video I could find reference setting up PIA. Nothing worked (well, actually, the only thing that worked was NOT using PIA, in which case I was 100% up all the time).
I tried troubleshooting for months, got tired of it, gained much gray hair in the process (I can't afford to get any more) and so the reboots, although highly annoying, are the easiest way for me to solve it.
Sucks real bad when I'm connected via my VPN from on the road and I forget to note the time of day…...
Hi have disabled gateway monitoring on wan and piawan routing and it seems to be working again, not to sure whats going on?
I have it running on ESXI and have 8gb allocated along with 2sockets
well it dropped again so i upped memory to 12gb so far so good
well, actually, the only thing that worked was NOT using PIA, in which case I was 100% up all the time).
nothing but net
well it dropped again so i upped memory to 12gb so far so good
OpenVPN runs just fine in less RAM than that.
Snort needs some RAM but is mostly CPU and runs well in far, far less than 12 gigs.
You have a free RAM widget right on the dashboard. If it shows 6GB free adding more isn't going to help anything.
Learn to troubleshoot connectivity and packet capture out OpenVPN and out WAN. If the traffic is leaving OpenVPN and the traffic is also leaving WAN on the OpenVPN port, and nothing is coming back, it's either PIA or your ISP. Change one or both.
Hi all for the last week my pfsense setup has been acting erratic, nothing has been changed apart from snort, Ids updates
I can be online quite happily then the connection will drop out and take a while to reconnect, it effects LAN connections to
I have looked on the logs under system gateway and can see loss sometimes upto 100% on the wan/pia interfaces
I have tried different pia servers with the same result, since yesterday it has been really bad and I'm luckily if I can get online at all
Another longer entry I have found states it has ran out of buffer space
Any ideas what's going on?
Thanks very much
I have major, major problems with PIA weekly, and often daily. Has been this way for almost two years now. I have a crontab that reboots pfsense twice a day (yep), and a pair of Christmas light timers that reboot my cable modem twice a day. When the connection goes down, that is the ONLY way to get it back up. Restarting the openvpn service does nothing, taking the interface down and then up does nothing, only hard reboots work, and it must be on both devices. I have tried three cable modems and I have rebuilt my pfsense machine four times using three different NICs, reinstalled pfsense from the ground up at least a dozen times using every tutorial and/or youtube video I could find reference setting up PIA. Nothing worked (well, actually, the only thing that worked was NOT using PIA, in which case I was 100% up all the time).
I tried troubleshooting for months, got tired of it, gained much gray hair in the process (I can't afford to get any more) and so the reboots, although highly annoying, are the easiest way for me to solve it.
Sucks real bad when I'm connected via my VPN from on the road and I forget to note the time of day…...
PIA is not correctly configured. A routing loop is triggering error message.
well it dropped again so i upped memory to 12gb so far so good
OpenVPN runs just fine in less RAM than that.
Snort needs some RAM but is mostly CPU and runs well in far, far less than 12 gigs.
You have a free RAM widget right on the dashboard. If it shows 6GB free adding more isn't going to help anything.
Learn to troubleshoot connectivity and packet capture out OpenVPN and out WAN. If the traffic is leaving OpenVPN and the traffic is also leaving WAN on the OpenVPN port, and nothing is coming back, it's either PIA or your ISP. Change one or both.
its strange its still working fine so far, ive had no drop outs I have snort, squid and openvpn and when i was checking the memory prior to upping it, it seemed fine, not to sure whats been going on
Probably zero to do with your increased RAM.