DHCPLEASES : Could not deliver signal HUP to process because its pidfile
Hi there,
I'm getting error logs saying
DHCPLEASES : Could not deliver signal HUP to process because its pidfile (/var/run/unbound.pid) does not exist, No such process.
I'm not using unbound but Bind package plus the standard DHCP. pfSense 2.3.1-RELEASE-p5. Guess it's just cosmetic errors but is it possible to do anything about it?
//Hummel -
@hummel I have always had this too, and still getting through many version upgrades
Nov 7 21:42:08 dhcpleases 86831 Could not get descriptor Nov 7 21:36:56 dhcpleases 86831 Could not deliver signal HUP to process 99891: No such process.
I notice the file dhclient.leases.igb1 has no file settings i.e. shows 10 dashes
getfacl shows the file as root:wheel but no settings either
did you ever solve this
Afaik, dhcpleases gets run when this option is set :
Un check it.
You probably have to stop bind first, the activate unbound. Now you shuld see the option.
If you can't find it, then you must be running KEA.
In that case, first switch to ISC DHCP, now the option is visible, uncheck it.
Then go back to KEA.
Then stop unbound and reactivate bind. -
@Gertjan I'm using ISC and DHCP registration is/was desired operation.
So it looks like a bug. I did chmod 644 on the dhclient.leases.igb1 file and the log is looking much more healthier. I see it is
Sending HUP signal to dns daemon(75158) Wrote 0 class decls to leases file. Wrote 0 deleted host decls to leases file. Wrote 0 new dynamic host decls to leases file. Wrote 3 leases to leases file.
only thing i am seeing now is
unknown dhcp option value 0x64