Expanding adblocking with Pfsense\Squidguard\Pfblocker?
Hi All,
For some time now Pfsense runs just fine here, on my Intel Atom setup. Using SNORT for IDS/IPS which, apart from sometimes not restarting after the automatic update at night, works fine.
I am running Squid/Squidguard to block ads/trackers using the Shallalist list, but find that more and more ads slip through. Is it possible to expand the pFsense adblocking capabilities using Easylist (found here I believe https://easylist.to/easylist/easylist.txt)? This list is updated daily.
1. I believe Squidguard can't cope with .txt files, right? So it is impossible to add?
2. Should I use Pfblocker to use this list instead?Thanks for your time.
I block ad and tracking servers via DNS. I see ads so rarely, it's always a surprise when I do.
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