VLANS+CARP and traffic flow problems ???
Need help!!!
2 servers with PS 2.3.1_5 (i386) with
4 Nics:
1 WAN, 1 LAN, 1 SYNC (for Pfsense HA), 1 for 4 VILAN (16,17,18,19)
VLANS up on PFSense, CARP up on VLAN 16,17,18,19. Nic with VLANS connected to HP Procurve 2520 (10 ports - all TARGET), at ports from 1 to 8 connected wifi AP (every AP have VLANs 16,17,18,19 for wifi networks, all TARGET). At ports 9-10 on Procurve connected 2 x PFSense servers.
PROBLEM: Via PFSense no traffic flow to VLANS networks (( I can ONLY ping devices in VLAN networks (from LAN to this networks). I double check all Firewall rulses, make ANY to ANY … Review Firewall log = not show any blocks or other errors, but only PING (icmp) flow normal ...
What this ????
Thx for help!
Post what you have done. Not what you think you have done.