Unable to check for updates/Unable to retrieve package information on Upgrade
Hi All,
I have graded my Pfsense box from 2.1.5 to the latest version over night. The upgrade went was successful.
I can access internet over the box however, am unable to get access to the packages to install because the box cannot connect to the repository.
Secondly, on the dashboard the box is unable to check for updates with this message "Unable to check for updates"
Am on a Dual WAN implementation and the links are up and running with internet access over them.
What could be causing this issue?
I notice that a number of people are reporting this same problem, mostly after installing version 2.3.x (even the latest 2.3.2) but there don't seem to be any replies to most of these posts and I haven't been able to find a solution listed anywhere.
I have some additional information to report which may be helpful …
I had Pfsense 2.3.2 p1 working perfectly on a Soekris 6501-50 board which is about a year old. Last month, I purchased a new 6501-50 board to act as a spare in case anything ever happened to the first. I wanted to confirm that it was a ready backup so I took the MSATA SSD with Pfsense 2.3.2 out of the old board, installed it into the new board (which should be identical), and everything worked except I had the exact same problems as reported by others - pfsense could not check for updates, the package manager couldn't check package information, dynamic dns wouldn't update, but all the attached computers on the LAN and VLAN worked fine and could connect to the internet. The firewall could even do a ping, and DNS lookup, but it just couldn't do these checks. I put the SSD back in the original board and everything worked fine again.
I returned the SSD to the new board, did a factory reset of 2.3.2 and then rebooted but no change. Still wouldn't check for updates, etc. I then restored an old image of pfsense 2.2.4 from just before I upgraded to 2.3.2, put that in the new board and booted - everything worked perfectly - no problems at all.
There is a problem with pfsense 2.3.2 which must only occur with certain hardware (or perhaps bios settings) and by chance, Soekris must have made some minor change to their 6501-50 boards between a year ago and now which just happens to trigger the glitch with 2.3.2 (since 2.2.4 works perfectly on both boards but 2.3.2 works only with the old board).
If any of the guru's out there want to try and track down this glitch / bug, I'd be happy to provide any info I can. Given I'm using the same SSD (and pfsense install) with both boards, and both boards "should" be identical, this might be a good opportunity to try and trace the problem. If we can identify exactly what has changed on this board, that should point to exactly where the problem lies ?
unable to check for updates
I have the same problem.
I am currently using "2.3-RELEASE (amd64) built on Mon Apr 11 18:10:34 CDT 2016 FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE" and I always receive the error "Unable to retrieve system versions" when I try to update the version (System => Update).
In the main pannel: Obtaining update status => Unable to check for updates
Any suggestions?
Hi All
It might not be the same problem but i have also had the problem with updating and when you change the default gateway under "System/Routing/Gateways" , set the WAN as the default (dual WAN i am not sure of) and the LAN you select to not be used as default.
This has seemed to help me to upgrade and download the packages .Currently on base system 2.3.2 upgrading to 2.3.2_1
It might not be the same problem but i have also had the problem with updating and when you change the default gateway under "System/Routing/Gateways" , set the WAN as the default (dual WAN i am not sure of) and the LAN you select to not be used as default.
This has seemed to help me to upgrade and download the packages .You should have NO gateway configured on LAN in the first place (let alone marked as default, huh…)