Creating Static Routes for different subnets on the same physical interface
you sure seem to have a lot of ports for no real reason ;) And like to use them up via lagg that seem to just be there to use up ports not for any sort of real load balancing or failover need, etc.
What routing are you doing that you need downstream layer 3? I doubt your pfsense box can route/firewall at 10ge - but what what sort of traffic would be going between segments that would need/use 10ge?
Why can you not just use your pfsense box as your router/firewall between all your segments and just use a switch be it the juniper or the other in layer 2 mode? If you want line speed between say clients and your servers that are on different segments at 10ge then sure your going to need something that can do that as downstream router.
I love the 10ge and am a bit jealous to be sure.. But can you even leverage it? What sort of speeds can you get out of your storage?