Traffic Graphs not working
Since update august 17 Traffic Graphs are not working, any other has the same problem? now I've version 1.3-ALPHA-ALPHA built on Fri Aug 22 17:19:37 EDT 2008 FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE-p3, but same problem.
I updated to version aug 23, and admin console is now broken
same here since Aug/17, have to wait it comes to developers' attention… fix seems to be easy and quick though but it's ALPHA-ALPHA :-[
I can confirm that the SVG graphs do not work in IE7, the graphs do not load up and the image placeholders are shown. I can also confirm that on Firefox 3.0.1 the graphs are generated but no graph data is shown (0kbps,0kbps). I can confirm that on Opera 9.52 the graphs work like a charm.
This has been the same since I started using 1.3-ALPHA-ALPHA AUG17 build up to 1.3-ALPHA-ALPHA
built on Sun Aug 24 20:34:52 EDT 2008 FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE-p3.I can post screenshots if anyone is interested.
yeah…just noticed SVG graphs fine on Opera 9.51. I'm wondering if the developers noticed the issues on FF2/3 and IE6/7...Oh well, again, it's ALPHA-ALPHA. Patient.
loaded the latest now and SVG still broken on FF2/3 and IE7, works fine on Opera9.51 tho…will'ya fix it anytime soon?
Currently the Traffic Graph works only on Opera.
Firefox 2/3 IE7/8 do not. Tested with the latest, Tue Sep 2 03:50:35 EDT 2008 snap.
BTW. Could someone tell me how, could I fix my RRD Quality tab? Creating gateway didn't help. Any tweaks please??
It appears a part of the new gateway code has been overwritten and will have to be refitted.
Can any one of you please specify the nature of the wan connection or interface the SVG graph does not work for.
Also, does the LAN interface SVG graph work?
The SVG graph does't work for either my WAN connection, or my LAN connection. I'm using Firefox 3.0.1 (and IE7 - I get same result, 0kpbs in/0kpbs out). The WAN connection is a residential DSL connection getting an IP via DHCP.
I'm running 1.3-ALPHA-ALPHA, from the Mon Sep1 build.
Neither WAN/LAN work. Checked on FF2/3, IE7/8 both same result, 0kpbs in/out.
Opera 9.51 does work fine.My WAN is PPPoE.
Running 1.3-ALPHA-ALPHA built on Tue Sep 2 03:22:34 EDT 2008
EDIT: check safari just in case. same as ff and ie. 0kbps in/out.
Just uploaded the latest: 1.3-ALPHA-ALPHA built on Mon Sep 8 17:54:11 EDT 2008 FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE-p4
LAN/WAN neither works on FF2/3, IE7/8, Safari. Only gives me 0Kbps in/out.
Very good works on Opera 9.51 by the way.
Issues are seen on both dashboard(gadget), and Status > Traffic Graph.
Hmmm…still no luck with the 1.3-AA built on Thu Sep 11 19:05:37 EDT 2008.
EDIT: Checked with the latest build, Thu Sep 11 21:03:35 EDT 2008. No luck. :P
EDIT2: SVG(dashboard, traffic tab) works fine only on Opera.
Works fine in IE8.
The reason it doesn't work in IE7 is due to lack of SVG support in the browser - if you install a plugin (there are several, Adobe comes to mind) for it, it'll work just fine.
Heh. It used to work unfortunately. I know it's never gonna work without a plugin. I have Adobe plugin installed.
Should be fixed on the next snapshot please confirm.
no luck 1.3-ALPHA-ALPHA built on Fri Sep 12 01:05:44 EDT 2008
I don't think this is a pfSense issue to be honest, as it's been working in all (as far as I can remember) 1.3 builds for me - and still is with my currently installed 1.3-ALPHA-ALPHA Thu Sep 11 08:36:21 EDT 2008 build.
I've checked and it's working in both IE7 and IE8 (with and without compability mode enabled) for me.
(Running on a Watchguard Firebox x700)
There were some cases when it might not work though its strange cause it works now on my setups and others are still reporting it does not work!?
Can you please try to open http://$ip_of_pfsense/graph.php?ifnum=lan&ifname=TEST and tell me the results?
There were some cases when it might not work though its strange cause it works now on my setups and others are still reporting it does not work!?
Can you please try to open http://$ip_of_pfsense/graph.php?ifnum=lan&ifname=TEST and tell me the results?
For me this shows a full screen version of the graph that shows no data (firefox 3.0.1 pfsense "1.3-ALPHA-ALPHA
built on Thu Sep 11 23:35:12 EDT 2008
FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE-p4")Hope this helps.
There were some cases when it might not work though its strange cause it works now on my setups and others are still reporting it does not work!?
Can you please try to open http://$ip_of_pfsense/graph.php?ifnum=lan&ifname=TEST and tell me the results?
That gives me the same as divilspawn reported. Tried on both FF and 3.0.1, XP and Vista and both the same. OTOH, I also checked IE7/8 on XP(since SVG doesn't work on Vista)once again with re-installation of the SVG plugin, then showing the graphs again. So it was concluded to my setup for this, I apologize, however, the Firefox issues are still remain. As I said, SVG is not supported on Vista so the majority of users on Vista shall use Firefox(or Opera/Safari whatever has SVG supported) for viewing SVG.
@ermal : I think the issues I have been facing could be nailed down to Firefox now but it used to work fine with the same setup untill AUG17.
@emigrating : I suppose you're living on XP, could you do the same with Firefox please? IE works fine but Firefox doesn't on my setup using XP.cheers,