Made suricata change box died need help understanding…...
changed suricata to inline and after save got locked out, well not locked out so much as the box now refuses to pass traffic and i cannot get back in. The box reboots i get main splash screen it pings for a few seconds while booting then stops. After bootup completes usb keyboard stops responding and no other access. Anything i can do? If not i will reinstall from scratch and validate not a hardware issue.
ok i have access to recovery mode, can anyone assist with how to unload or keep suricata from starting (via cli) so i can validate if that was the cause.
well patience wasnt a virtue here, reloaded and back to normal for now. Just need to figure out exactly what i did to gum and since i am not taking backups yet since i am still learning this has been a good experience reconfiguring everything :-). Glass half full for sure….....