2 ESXi + 2 Pfsense Problem
Hello guys
I need your help with problem we are facing.
We have 2 ESXi 6 servers and 2 Pfsense FW.
Each of the fw located 1 ESXi.
All the configuration of CARP applied according to the guide + VMWare changes.
VMware ESX Users
Enable promiscuous mode on the vSwitch
Enable "MAC Address changes"
Enable "Forged transmits"The problem is if the master Pfsense is on ESX01, all the VMs on that ESXi is pinging good to the VIP and nodes.
BUT all the VMs on the ESX02 losing packets to ping the VIP but pinging good to the LAN actual IP and all other VMs on 01 ESX1.Anyone facing this issue? any idea?
EC -
How is your Outbound NAT configured? I had a similar problem whereby my Outbound NAT was tied to the interface and not the VIP. Here is what I did:
- Firewall -> NAT
- Click Outbound NAT
- Make sure your "NAT Address" for the LAN subnet is tied to the external CARP IP address instead of interface address
Hope this helps.