WiFi bridge and 2x WAN connection
Hi everybody! I'm trying to figure out how to make a network like in the picture bellow:
And now some explanation: - I was thinking of using pfSense as the routers - each would have a different subnet and the subnets would be than connected with static routes that would go over the WiFi bridge. Now I'm asking anyone who could help me explain how does a wireless bridge work. I'm assuming every AP has it's own ip from their router or static (which I'm probably going to use) and than this ip has to be used on each router to set static routes through. And than the load balancing has also to be set like this: one acces to the web ower WAN and the other over the same ip as the static routes to connect both networks. Can this be done or am I just complicating things to much.
Thank you for your answers.
Whay are you using both wireless and wired (Through Internet) Are you looking at failover with the wired? What type of traffic is going across the different connections?
The wireless is not through internet. The wireless is a bridge between two wired networks to create an all internal network for the computers, so they don't have to connect over the internet. As you can see only the routers are connected to the internet "cloud". The wireless would also be used for load balance or at least a fail over if internet in one building would stop working.
Interesting I have a similar setup but with Cisco routers. I have wireless bridge and point-to-point T1 between 2 locations with additional T1 for internet. I could actually get rid of the point-to-point and just do VPN. In Cisco routers it is OSPF which handles that function. I do not know if pfSense has support for that yet.
These products can do OSPF. http://www.vyatta.com/ is based on http://www.xorp.org/ the vyatta has a gui front end which might be better if you prefer that. This is opensource so you do not need to buy expensive commercial equipment.
You could always start a bounty for this feature as I am sure others would really like it and might contribute. You have nothing to lose in creating a bounty. ;D http://www.quagga.net/ can do it but is GPL licensed which some of the devs will not touch. There is openospfd http://dpw.threerings.net/projects/openospfd/ which from what I can see uses the license that is prefered by the devs here.