Help no Connection have to reboot once every 4 weeks
Hi fredie,
I see much white and a bit of black and gray in your future. But are you having a specific question at the class or is that image all you wanted to share?
Meaning: we aren't able to predict or foretell your future, present or past if you don't tell us what your problem is. You rebooting every 4 weeks is sad but only posting a screenshot without a single word describing a problem is a bit of a long shot.
fredie380 may be lacking actual content, but I'm also trying to track down a problem with my machine needed reboots at least once a week, sometimes hanging.
Symptom 1: I lose the lan connections randomly. It seemed to be every 7 days. We tracked this down to a network surveying software that was scheduled to run every 7 days. This is a symptom though, not a cure.
Symptom 2: Firewall would spike to 100% and require hard reboot. All interfaces were offline at this time. Reading an forum post on 2.3.x and a bug track on SMT, IPSEC, and UDP, I disabled SMP on the firewall, running it down to single thread to see if it would resolve.
So far firewall is stable, but this isn't a cure it's a band aid.
So fredie380, if you're seeing similar symptoms you may want to try the above and report back.
If it's not the same, please give more information.