Prepping image for load to Azure
I've stood up a 64 bit full pfSense install on VirtualBox and are now using these instructions for prepping the system for upload to Azure.'ve made it to the end of Step #5, and the execution of the command "pkg install git" seems to run without error.
But when I try to run the git command (as in step 6) the system reports "git: command not found"
The process is very similar to that expained by Vagellis
In his he uses wget. I tried that too and got the same error.I'm an absolute noob wrt FreeBSD and pfSense so it is likely something easy.
My $path is /sbin /bin /usr/sbin /usr/bin /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/bin /root/bin
If i run the command pkg info git I get (key info only)name: git
version : 2.9.0
prefix : /usr/localideas?
Use curl instead of wget?
Yep, something stupid.
A reboot of the machine fixed it.