Squidguard custom options missing from squid gui
I'm trying to get squidguard to work. I discovered if I turned off squidguard and I tweaked with squid I could get access. Squid seems to work fine in transparent mode.
When I went to re-enable squidguard I noticed that the "custom options" for squidguard in squid were no longer there. I reinstalled squidguard to no avail. I'm hoping that if I add those options back in there it will work, assuming that changes to squid do not conflict with them. Can anyone post those for me?
Possible know pfSense version, squid version, present or no any error msg in sgGUI log ?
Squid custom options must be added after 'Apply' button pressing.
redirect_program /usr/local/bin/squidGuard -c /usr/local/etc/squidGuard/squidGuard.conf;redirector_bypass on;redirect_children 3
squid Network
squidGuard Network Management 1.2.0_1Thank you, now it will start squidguard. However now I have the same problems I started with.
1 It no longer will work transparent
2 When I point a browser to 3128 it sort of works. It blocks everything regardless of what I have denied, even when its only default rule is: all. On the bright side the "404 Access denied." looks perfect. -
squid Network
squidGuard Network Management 1.2.0_1Thank you, now it will start squidguard. However now I have the same problems I started with.
1 It no longer will work transparent
2 When I point a browser to 3128 it sort of works. It blocks everything regardless of what I have denied, even when its only default rule is: all. On the bright side the "404 Access denied." looks perfect.In transparent mode squid view http requests only from local IP ( or LAN iface). If you SG configured by src IP ACL's, then this is will not work. In transparent mode probably filtering by username (if squid configured with this). And also with squid-transparent mode you can configure only Default page(its will work anytime and anymode of the squid).
Squid is set up without any auth and the check box for "Transparent" is checked
It is set up with "Proxy interface= LAN"
"Allow users on interface" is un-checked, with my subnet added to the "Allowed subnets" in the "Access Control" tab.SG is set up with the shallalist.tar.gz
SG is set up (currently) without any ACL's
SG under the "Default" tab is set to block every thing (though I have tried it many different ways)Any thoughts as to what I should try changing to get it to work and work transparently?