I have configured my router (Movistar) in bridge mode.
I set up a interface in my pfsense as wan_pppoe using the user and the password and the rest as default. My isp not give me more info about the config data..
The question is that I have internet, but with some problems of connection because my ip phone restarts,my vpn falll down and my navigation is slow.
So I was investigating and I saw this in logs:
Oct 14 12:20:03 dpinger send_interval 500ms loss_interval 2000ms time_period 60000ms report_interval 0ms data_len 0 alert_interval 1000ms latency_alarm 500ms loss_alarm 20% dest_addr bind_addr identifier "WAN_PPPOE "
Oct 14 12:20:06 dpinger WAN_PPPOE Alarm latency 0us stddev 0us loss 100%I've checked the router config and is in dhcp so this IP should be not
Checking the Gateway I can see that is as "dynamic ip" so i can't change it…I've created a new gateway with ip and is still failing.
If you can see the images attached I think would be easier to undestand.
Please help me, i dont know what more do...
Just a basic fix :
#1 Reset your modem, given by your ISP, to its factory default state, and then configure it, once more, in bridge mode.
[Bridge Mode : DHCP disabled, NAT disabled, WiFi disabled (if present, in case of a router)]#2 Reinstall pFsense, and just configure for the basic internet configuration (WAN in PPPoe mode, and a working LAN).
Now, observe if everything is stable, at least for 4-6 hours. When everything is working alright, begin your other modifications (VPN and other stuff).
THank you for your help.
I did what you told me, and I 've created a new GW with the static public IP that I have, and now is working
Thank you very much!
It's my pleasure.
I am glad to hear that I was able to help you, Bro.
Always at this doorstep, just ring the bell :) -
then I will try to fix with you the last problem that i have…
After change the config in the pfsense, the ip phones are still rebooting after 10-15 min...I have open another post in differents areas but all help received was insufficient, cause is still failing...
Do you know what can be?
thank you very much
Could you just be a bit more descriptive ? What is really happening with your IP phones ?
I have connected my ip phones (10) to switch.
This sw to an interface in the pfsense and the pfsense as a router because my "real" router is in bridge mode.The phones works, but every 10-15 min they reboot.
I followed this steps but it still failing:
https://forum.pfsense.org/index.php?topic=29131.0The phones just connect to internet a log in vitual pbx via DNS
I can give you some logs from the pfsense …
Thank you as always!!!
Okay, then. Post the logs.