XenServers 6.5 CARP not showing as backup
Dear Forum users ,
Is the first time that i write here .
I have 2 Xenservers 6.5 which have 4 nics connected (1 Lan , 1 WAN , 1 CARP 1 Empty for future purposes) .
I have loaded pfsense in carp mode in another vm's in the same server with vhid 1-2-3-4 and it's working like charm in the past 1-2 years now version 2.1.5
Now i have setup 2 new pfsense 2.3.2 (pfsense1,pfsense2)which the pfsense1 is configured with vhid 30 and vhid31 and works perfectly .
Pfsense2 is now receiving packages from the CARP interface and there is no error in connection , ping between interfaces works and in the rules are set to ALLOW all .The problem is that pfsense2 is never showing the "backup status " it shows that "No CARP Interfaces Defined. Click here to configure CARP. "
Any recommendation would be appreciated ..