Dual WAN 4G
Firstly a big hello since I have been stalking these forums for a long time now! I now have an SG-4860.
I am trying to set up dual WAN without success and would appreciate some help please.
I have VDSL for the WAN working correctly with a Draytek Vigor 130 in bridge mode.
I already have a separate Asus 4G-N12 working with 4G EE here in the uk. Is it possible to configure pfSense to use the Asus 4G-N12 with 4G EE for dual WAN?
The Asus 4G-N12 does not have a bridge mode and so I can't passthrough a public IP. Do I need to ditch the Asus 4G-N12 and get something else? Can I use my 4G EE without a static IP?
Mark (a rather confused networking noob)PS I am using a Netgear GS728TP (webcams, unifi and LAN)
Dont take this offensively but we should start with verifying how you are connecting everything together
Im assuming you have the
LAN of the Vigor 130 ADSL/VDSL Modem plugged into 1 NIC of the Pfsense Box
1 of the LAN ports (not the WAN port) plugged into the PfSense box
the 3rd nic of your PF sense box connected to the managed switchYou can either stay dual NATed behind the ASUS or look for some Bridge MODE or PassThrough Mode or Demilitarized MODE setting to not be dual NATed.
personally you prob better off buying a dongle that is supported
https://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/Known_Working_3G-4G_Modemsand just plug it into your pfsense box and it will be easier for you..
Hope that helps point you in the right direction
No offense taken whatsoever. Thank you for taking the time to reply Eddie.
After a bit of reading and understanding I've managed to get Dual WAN working correctly for load balancing and failover (working both ways for possible LAN duties - VLAN maybe). All good so far.
pfSense LAN -> Netgear GS728TP -> all my stuff
pfSense WAN -> Vigor 130 (bridge mode)
pfSense OPT1 (WAN 2) -> Asus 4G-N12 LANHowever the Asus 4G-N12 warns that it is in a multi-NAT environment and consequently I cannot set-up DDNS which I need to do because EE will not supply me a static IP.
Is anyone in the UK using any of the known working 3G 4G modems with EE and does the device have a bridge mode / passthrough mode or DMZ that allows me to use DDNS?