Werid problem with ip redirection (advanced nat)
ok let me see if i can explain this…btw this happened before RC1 beta aswell....
I have a carp system setup. I followed all the directions and everything seemed to work ok
in the advanced nat i made a rule (like it said in the tutorial)
WAN * * * * NO LAN -> Virtual WAN
when i go to whatismyip.com from a machine behind the lan i get the ip which is GREAT
now (have not made any changes) when i go to whatismyip.com and refresh it says the ip address of one of the carp machines NOT the virtual ip like it did earlier........
also when i do 1-1 nat and map one of my lan ips to an external WAN ip it works and when i go to whatismyip.com from that lan machine it gives me the proper 1-1 natted ip WHICH IS GREAT
recently it is giving me the firewall ip
so as far as i know nothing has changed that would have caused this to fail....
any reason why this happened?