Fxp driver in 1.2.1
There seems to be a problem with the fxp driver when installed on a system with an adaptec scsi HBA. I have an old P3 server I was going to test the new FreeBSD 7 based snapshots and it works for about 500KB and then it bombs with an operation time out on fxp0. I don't have another system I can test on ATM, but I just wanted to let you know. I have not found any fixes to the problem online. If there is one I can re-test it.
Has anyone else seen this problem?
Are the two cards sharing an IRQ? If so, try setting them to different IRQs so they aren't sharing.
I'd had the same. There are quite numbers of known issue exist with fxp in FreeBSD-7.* now. Although some are PRed but none of are fixed yet unfortunately. It is up to you but it would be better to use something not fxp, say em or bge for not wasting your time for trouble shooting. Me? oh just bought cheap Intel-based card, $30.
There seems to be a problem with the fxp driver when installed on a system with an adaptec scsi HBA. I have an old P3 server I was going to test the new FreeBSD 7 based snapshots and it works for about 500KB and then it bombs with an operation time out on fxp0. I don't have another system I can test on ATM, but I just wanted to let you know. I have not found any fixes to the problem online. If there is one I can re-test it.
Has anyone else seen this problem?
likewise here, couldent get vlan working with fxp, after configuring and setting vlan1 to lan i only see the externa interface, installed 1.2 and worked like a charm
same here
throw out the card nad I have installed a d-link with success.
both cards are onboard chips. i will check tomorrow about the irq, right now it, its set to auto.
I wouldn't recommend touching IRQ's in BIOS. It's up to you tho :P
ne news on fxp driver and vlan?, shall i just install a d-link card instead
By "D-Link" I assume you mean Realtek chipset (rl or re driver, depending on whether or not it's GigE)? It's the chipset that matters, not the manufacturer. If it helps, 4 out of 5 cards in my box are Realtek, and they work flawlessly. The other is an older 3com, and it also does quite adequately.
I dunno about others, but I've had more and more problems with Intel hardware lately, and the drivers are no real exception I suppose. This includes speed and duplex negotiation with Cisco hardware, and a strange latency strobing issue where the interface latency (even on localhost) would fluxuate between 1.5ms and .02ms. Replaced it with a $5 Realtek, and the problems went away.
Ok, maby it´s time to give up intel, does vlan work with 3com or is it only d-link (rl) that works?
I've typically stuck with Intel in the past, cause resident FreeBSD gurus love them… So, I've never done VLANing with 3Com to be honest. On my own PFSense, the 3Com is my WAN adapter. However, I do know that they support 802.1Q in hardware, so it should theoretically work fine.
well i had a blast (sort of) last night
tried rl,dc,fxp,vr
none wich i got vlan working, is anyone running vlan with 1.2.1 ?
Tried to upgrade from 1.2 Release to pfSense-Full-Update-1.2.1-RC1-20081020-1054.
I'm running two FXP cards in my box. After the upgrade I was getting timeout errors for the cards and could not get the WAN card to connect. I tried to copy the dmesg from the box but there was no way to get it out. I have a couple of LinkSys LNE100TX dc cards that I may try out if i have time the next few days. They are v 5.1 which is not listed at http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php?topic=12243.0;prev_next=prev, so ….
My Problem is that Intel Card is an integrated card on the motherboard :-\
The other card is a 3Com card that works just fine. In the 1.2 (FreeBSD 6 based distro) all works just fine. FreeBSD broke intel nics that are installed with an adaptec SCSI controller. Something about a similar driver call or something. Anyways, it will probably have to be a kernel fix from the FreeBSD devs. I have done any research on it lately to see if there is a patch available. Iw ill have a look around.