PfSense noob & multi wan
Anybody? :)
Static routing is the best way to go so perhaps you should debug that. All you need is his network, subnet and WAN IP. Can you describe this WAN3 link you have to him in more detail?
Ok, OPT2 or now WAN3 is linked to my friend cable modem/router, he is on the subnet, and I get an address assigned by his modem for WAN3. I get access to his internet connection & I can ping/access devices on his network from my computer (which is connected to the LAN and is on the subnet), he on the other hand cant acces anything on my side.
What firewall rules do you have on the OPT3 interface? They don't get any by default, so he won't be able to come into your network unless you allow it.
Oh I have changed rules several times :D
This is the current state of affairs :)
The first rule is fine but you can fine-tune it later on since it allows all access inbound. For him to get access to your network, his end would have to be aware of it. If his config has no idea about your network then all his traffic is going to go out his default gateway. He needs to add your WAN3 IP as another gateway and then add a static route so that his router knows to send traffic for your network to your WAN3.
If I understood you, he has to set two gateways, and the static route has to be set on his router?
So I decided to test this out locally. I have a spare router, on which I set a static route, and a PC on the WAN3 which now has two gateways and id dosent work I cant ping anything on the LAN side.
Any ideas? What am I doing wrong ???
Im open to step by step instructions :D