2 ipsec tunnels
Hi all
I am using: 1.3-ALPHA-ALPHA built on Wed Sep 10 03:57:33 EDT 2008 FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE-p4
and I am trying to setup two ipsec tunnels, but pfsense try always to use the remote ip address setup in the first tunnel.
(The first tunnel works)
Any ideas ?thanks
I noticed that this problem appears when I try to create a new tunnel copying the settings from the first one.
In fact pfsense uses the 2 phase2 for each tunnel.No problems If I press the + to create new tunnel with new settings.
Thanks for the bug report. I will make sure this gets corrected.
I just committed a fix for this problem. Thanks again for bringing the issue to my attention.
I am very happy to give help :)
only one question: why when I disable the phase1 should I keep the phase 2 of the same tunnel enabled ?
Isn't better to automatically disable the phase2 when I disable the phase1 ?thanks for the great job, I like this project very much.