Ipv6 routing
I have BGP sessions with 2 ISP and now I want to announce also a ipv6 subnet(/48)
in front I have a pfsense box with openBGPd which act as a firewall and behind different types of routers with NAT for different lan segments
since NAT does not apply I can use this /48 subnet ips directly on computers behind that routers form the second level?
but for this routers I will use ipv6 ip from the same subnet on LAN and WAN?thanks for any answer and excuse my english :)
network diagram attached
firewall primary/secondary have internet access ipv6
router pfsense have internet access ipv6
local network can ping their gateway and also router wan ip but cannot ping firewalls ipwithout any ipv6 setting RA or DHCP on any device…everything manually set(even computer in local network)
why router pfsense from scheme does not routing ipv6 from the local networks?
firewall rules:-from lan to anythanks
help ???
confused - why are you trying to use the /48 as your transit.. You are using downstream routing at your pfsense router.. So your carp would be your transit network, which looks with that 48 to overlap all your downstream networks.