[SOLVED] Unable to submit PRs in FreeBSD-ports repo
Trying to submit a bunch of PRs with this being the only result since yesterday:
Status: All systems reporting at 100%. WTF?!?! >:( >:( >:(
I submitted a little one 2 hours ago with no problem - https://github.com/pfsense/pfsense/pull/3264
I guess you are just lucky ;) -
Hmmm, still not working. I can see some major kaboom on Dec. 6, then lots of people complaining about "working normally", and when everyone stopped complaining, it broke for me…
??? ??? ??? >:( >:( >:(
There definitely is something wrong with the FreeBSD-ports repo. Tested yet again and have no problems with other repos, however trying to do something with https://github.com/pfsense/FreeBSD-ports reliably results in 500.
Still not working!!! >:( >:( >:(
Can someone (not people with direct commit access) do me a favor and try to edit something in https://github.com/pfsense/FreeBSD-ports/ ? Does not matter which file, clicking "Propose file change" will make GitHub "think" for some 5-10 seconds and them spit out the goddamn error 500.
I just did this test PR and it worked fine:
https://github.com/pfsense/FreeBSD-ports/pull/225all done through the GitHub GUI - browsing to the file, click the pencil, make a little change, submit, follow the bouncing ball…
Oh well… I'll delete the entire repo and see if it helps.
Oh well… I'll delete the entire repo and see if it helps.
Hmmmm, that worked. Not exactly an ideal "fix". >:(