IP-based domains on squidGuard
i've been using pfsense for almost a year now, squid and squidguard worked flawlessly until the recent updates on both packages… i've updated squid and squidguard to and 1.2.0_1, respectively... squid worked after the package update, but i encountered a problem with squidguard and my original configuration... suddenly squidguard wont accept the IP-based domain i set on my custom-whitelist... although the full URL is defined under the URLs list, still i cant connect to the IP-based server...
is there any workaround for this?
Uncheck 'Not to allow IP addresses in URL' option in ACL. -
hello dvserg,
thank you for the reply…
it's already unchecked... the problem i encountered is how can i add the IP-based domain on the Domains List of my custom-whitelist ACL? when i try to add any IP-based domains in Destinations "Domains List", i get the error:
The following input errors were detected:
* DEST 'customwhitelist': item '202.xxx.xxx.xxx' is not a domain.i tried to manually add the IP-based domain using the CLI, but it wont take effect and everytime i change something on the GUI, the manual changes i made is over-written.
i also checked the shalla blacklists and found that there are also some IP-based domains in some of the Domains list... makes me wonder why i cant add IP-based domains in my custom-whitelist... :D
hello dvserg,
The following input errors were detected:
* DEST 'customwhitelist': item '202.xxx.xxx.xxx' is not a domain.i tried to manually add the IP-based domain using the CLI, but it wont take effect and everytime i change something on the GUI, the manual changes i made is over-written.
This is GUI behavior future. But i will (be) change this..
Thanks. -
hello dvserg,
ok, so i'll just have to wait for the update on squidguard then :)
thank you very much…
i just re-installed the latest squid package including the xml, and also squidguard and xml, and re-load the blacklist...
all's well now... i think... :D
thank you very much