How to download files to pfsense
Please forgive my ignorance and I am primarily a Windows user. Typically I would use WinSCP to copy files to/from a *nix box from my Windows PC, unfortunately the automatic menu for the console seems to be causing a problem for this. The next option I would use is wget from the *nix PC, but that doesn't appear to be installed.
What method should I use to get files to/from my pfsense box?
Fetch can be used. More general info can be found on the FreeBSD site
How about to create another user or modify account(you're using) without menu?
If you look thru /etc/passwd then you'll see how the menu is being controlled.…or even configure ftp server locally on the pfSense box, which won't be an option though...
If I can ignore geographical factors then I'd rather use usb flash thingy ;D
I can't see how to create a new user. adduser and user add don't work. :-[
Also, it isn't clear to me why the menu always comes up on logon.
The easiest way to upload a file to a pfSense box from a Windows system is probably through the web GUI interface. From the Diagnostics menu click on Command and then type the path to the file in the appropriate box or click the Browse button.