Server DNS address could not be found
Hi all.
New to pfsense and having a little trouble.
Fist install and have got it all up but i have a little issue now. I have pfsense installed as a vm on esxi server. I have seperate nics for management, wan, and lan.
I have set up right or wrong some host over rides in dns resolver to allow me to use for eg vsphere/ to get to me straight to my vsphere server. When i try to go to the vSphere web client from the first page it will not load. I get the error vcenter.local’s server DNS address could not be found.
Hoping for some ideas on how i maybe able to gain access to my web login again.
Can you resolve vcenter.local from a LAN client? Can you resolve it from pfSense via Diagnostics - DNS Lookup?
No i could not.
I deleted the rule and i tried again and it did not work. I redid the rule and then it worked. Not sure what the story was but it is all working now.
Rule? You mean host override??