Load Balancing general observations
I am interested in hearing from others who have Load Balancing setup on PFS.
How long should it take, or does it take in your implementation for Load Balancing take over on one WAN failure?
I have had WAN take over almost immediately and in other instances take much longer.
I have used it for internal server pool balancing and failover. For anything other than the most simple applications I've found it sorely lacking. For connection balancing it definitely makes sense, but for server balancing it's really hard to beat something like haproxy. In my environment I control all configuration with puppet, and being able to quickly/easily push changes to my lb config and ensure the state is a big plus as well.
In the past I have set pfs to failover external connections. This worked well but proved problematic to get working right. Ultimately we wound up upgrading to a newer version of pfs and simultaneously switching upstream providers. Never was sure which part made the difference but after that event it worked flawlessly. To be fair the new providers also were vastly improved and the number of events requiring a failover action were practically nonexistent.