Pfsense dictionary in freeradius
alsalamo alikom iam a new member in your site and iam using freeradius i need to know name dictionary for pfsence "Sorry For My english"
hahaha no freeradius have more than dictionary for support attributes ex:mikrotik , Cisco …
And I need name of Dictionay pfsense to includes
all the dictionary files are located here
What exactly are you having problems with or looking to accomplish. Freeradius is a package or oddon to pfsense, it is not part of the built in code, etc. I would think any questions related to freeradius should be directed in the package forum..
Or if english is not your native, then maybe the forum in your native language would be better location for your question.
all the dictionary files are located here
What exactly are you having problems with or looking to accomplish. Freeradius is a package or oddon to pfsense, it is not part of the built in code, etc. I would think any questions related to freeradius should be directed in the package forum..
Or if english is not your native, then maybe the forum in your native language would be better location for your question.
i need this ex : if you need include mikrotik you can add this
include /usr/share/dictionary.mikrotik
what about pfsense
include /usr/share/dictionary.??
dictionary.pfsense not exist ! -
I don't think any such stuff exists beyond /usr/local/etc/raddb/dictionary
For the record, if anyone needs this and wants an actual answer, the file is located here currently:
VENDOR pfSense 13644 BEGIN-VENDOR pfSense ATTRIBUTE pfSense-Bandwidth-Max-Up 1 integer ATTRIBUTE pfSense-Bandwidth-Max-Down 2 integer ATTRIBUTE pfSense-Max-Total-Octets 3 integer END-VENDOR pfSense