Multiple monitor notification emails for every event
I have a problem whereby each notification email comes in multiple copies. The number of copies varies. Sometimes its 10, sometimes 14, sometimes less or more.
I'm talking about these emails:
Subject: $NAME_OF_PFSENSE - Notification
MONITOR: $WAN is down, omitting from routing group $WAN_GROUP
Is this a known problem? What's the fix?
I would also like to know if there's a way to tame the notification spam. Right now, I can end up with hundreds of emails from a single firewall and the sheer volume makes the notifications less useful IMO. When I enabled notifications and used the default monitoring settings (probably a year ago now) I was getting thousands of emails. However, the lack of complaints online makes me wonder if I'm doing something wrong.
What controls the rate for email notifications? Is it the Alert interval? Is there a setting I can change where I would only get 1 email when a gateway goes down and 1 email when it comes back up?
There is no way to spool the emails. The thing is super-retarded, best turned off.
there is a bug related to mail bomb, can't imagine there couldn't be something to be done to de duplicate the emails, sometime can get 100 emails in a minute or 2
there is a bug related to mail bomb
Linking here so that people can watch the giant progress…:
sorry I didn't mean to infer progress
No worries, the progress remains firmly undisturbed by any complaints here or elsewhere. ;D ::)