Dhcp problems
i`ve just reinstaled pfsense and i have this on logs
May 11 00:21:56 pftpx[578]: accept failed: Software caused connection abort
May 11 00:21:56 pftpx[578]: accept failed: Software caused connection abort
May 10 23:43:05 kernel: fxp0: device timeout
May 10 23:19:11 pftpx[578]: #43 abnormal server error: 65
May 10 23:19:11 pftpx[578]: #43 abnormal server error: 65
May 10 23:18:25 pftpx[578]: #42 client reset connection
May 10 23:18:25 pftpx[578]: #42 client reset connection
May 10 23:05:24 pftpx[578]: #41 abnormal server error: 65
May 10 23:05:24 pftpx[578]: #41 abnormal server error: 65
May 10 23:01:17 pftpx[578]: #38 abnormal server error: 65
May 10 23:01:17 pftpx[578]: #38 abnormal server error: 65
May 10 23:01:10 pftpx[578]: accept failed: Software caused connection abort
May 10 23:01:10 pftpx[578]: accept failed: Software caused connection abortcan someone help me pls
Those are only debug outputs and shouldn't bother you unless everything is working fine. Btw, this has absolutely nothing to do with dhcp, it'S the ftphelper.
May 10 23:43:05 kernel: fxp0: device timeout
and after that all is down
Clients dont have captive portal to log on…..they get ip`s from the server but nothing else. No ping reply -
That seems to be an hardware issue with your nic. Sorry, that one was hiding between the pftpx messages. Are you sure the card is ok? Give us some details on your hardware please.
Also doesn't have to do with dhcp. I'll move this to the hardware section.
Which version of pfSense is this? Also give us some information on your subnets and on your dhcp settings.
The first thing to do is upgrade to beta4 (only 2 days old). The version you are using is month away from the current release. Report back if this fixes the issue. We might be chasing ghosts here.
done …i have beta 4 now but still got this problem
May 11 01:54:15 last message repeated 22 times
May 11 01:52:26 last message repeated 49 times
May 11 01:50:12 last message repeated 6 times
May 11 01:50:12 dhcpd: lease no subnet..............etc etcIf you can increase the number of lines of syslog output, then try and give some earlier lines would be helpful.