Intel Atom C2xxx LPC failures
deactivate this registers and then we reboot
From what I've read, that could be as far as your proposal gets you. It might have been the last reboot ever initiated on that system… :)
I think gonzopancho mentioned at reddit that the ADI systems boot from i2c flash.
So even id the LPC signal is not required during boot, the signal might still be required by other components ???
Then again, depending how the LPC processor component fails it may affect other parts of the processor, too.
Reading between the lines it appears that "usage" -or - heat may accelarate the deteriotion of said LPC component.
I'm sure Cisco would drive CPU's very hard as that is how you get "value" from your CPU. They wouldn't overspec the CPU to run it at 20% load. -
I agree with above poster who said class action is inbound pretty quick. This is going to get real ugly before it gets better.
Agreed that three months is entirely too long. Supermicro is supplying us with advanced stock so we can turn an RMA for this issue around in a day, rather than the timeline experienced by your friend. That said, your friend (probably) didn't buy from us, and there isn't much I can do if someone isn't a customer.
No, he didn't. Didn't mean to imply that he did at all. Glad to hear they're (they being SuperMicro) stepping up.
NDAs are simply standard practice. If you want access to proprietary information like futures, projected failure rates, direct purchasing requiements, etc., you sign an NDA. Like most companies, Intel uses bidirectional NDAs that cover all disclosures in the relationship. You should expect that any hardware manufacturer who uses Intel chips in their designs will have an an NDA with Intel. Many software companies do as well.
In other words, it's not a conspiracy. the NDAs the companies are citing are not new, nor specific to this issue. The "educated guess" in the serve the home article is simply wrong. No one who has been under NDA with Intel would suggest that.
depends on what is in the NDA, but a NDA that doesnt allow companies to disclose flaws is illegal in the UK. e.g. if I sold you a product with a predicted 18 month self life and didnt tell you that, then I have breached the sales act. It is a clear breach of "fit for purpose" tests. Projected fail rates doesnt quite fall into this category.
As the old motto goes, contracts cannot override law.
Updated to add at 18:23 UTC, February 8
Once again, Synology has been in touch, seemingly now able to use the I word, to say: "Intel has recently notified Synology regarding the issue of the processor’s increased degradation chance of a specific component after heavy, prolonged usage."So what exactly does "heavy, prolonged usage" mean ? Can someone at pfSense Netgate confirm what Synology is saying?
Did Synology just let it slip that CPU usage (=heat) contributes to the issue?
Will my pfSense/Netgate ADI appliance die sooner if I have heavy CPU use ?
Will my appliance last longer if I add cooling ?
Will my appliance last longer if I disable CPU intensive services ?If not heat - how else could a solid state component degrade over time ?
thumbs up to synology for finally naming intel and the component.
What can intel do as punishment? not much as synology could just say we use a competitor cpu in future for new products.
If not heat - how else could a solid state component degrade over time ?
It sounds like a simple counter. If that is the case then the counter is incremented when the system is up and when reaching a certain threshold the device stops working.
Are we experiencing Planned obsolescence? ::)
The pfSense store still shows SG series products with the C2000 CPU.
Can someone at pfSense confirm whether these products contain the "platform level fix" - or is pfSense knowingly selling products affected by intel AVR54?
That would be very disappointing! -
That would be very disappointing!
What on earth is disappointing with that? :O As far as I was informed by as much as Netgate, Supermicro and other may already say about that problem, there is ATM no one, that actually HAS a working fix for the problem. Intel just said the know about some silicon workaround for boards with B0 and will work on a new stepping for further boards.
Are you suggesting immediatly stopping sales on all products that incorporate a C2000 SOC without actually knowing the full scale of the problem and its dependencies? Also all things related to "heat" as a problem are speculative, as nowhere was heat or even the CPU named a problem. So as far as I read - and that isn't meant as an insult - you are just panicking and jumping to conclusions.Are we experiencing Planned obsolescence? ::)
As far as I know of other manufacturers of devices, that is not the case. Many other vendors of products are already running for more than the mentioned 18 months with very few to zero error cases and those few not related to that failure. So I am waiting for more specifics to come to light for the circumstances of that failure occuring in the first place.
Hi JeGr,
you are correct in that I'm panicking and may be jumping to conclusions. However the reason I'm panicking is not that fact that there's an inherent flaw to the C2000 CPU's. I'm very well aware that hardware components will always fail.
I've worked nearly 20 years with Enterprise IT vendors and the reason I'm panicking is because I know how such issues have been dealt with.Cisco have chosen a proactive approach while others might take a 'fix-on-fail' approach. As far as I understand Netagte/pfSense are taking a fix-on-fail approach. You need to understand that fix-on-fail does not resonate well with the technical types, especially the security conscious technical types. What people want is peace of mind and irrespective of 'failure likelihood', fix-on-fail does not imply peace of mind.
If you ever worked in medium sized business (and upwards) you will easily find yourself in boardroom situation where you have to explain why pfSense/Netgate is taking a fix-on-fail approach while Cisco is being proactive.The fact that NDA's are in place and information is sparse will not help the IT Admin defend Netgate/pfSense's approach in the boardroom.
In this particular Case I am 100% certain that the issue is 100% understood by intel. The reluctant release of information is very considered.
Every word in intel's statement (AVR54) is very very carefully chosen to protect intel. This has a trickle down effect where component makers that use the C2000 will also very carefully chose every word in their respective statements.In order to stop customers from panicking, vendors will deliberateley steer away from too much technical information, because the real issue that needs addressing is customer confidence. Will a fix-on-fail approach retain enough customer confidence without detrimentally affecting future sales?
Company owners and shareholders that sell Systems based on C2000 want to sleep at night, too. A proactive approach would most certainly imply profit errosion in the short term (balanced against long term customer loyalty).
So whenever intel and vendors chose to share more 'technical specifics' - it has very little to do with root cause analysis, because we're way past that. At this stage customers are being Risk Managed. And when reworked boards and CPU's finally come available, you may be Case Managed.
I view the explanation as being relatively straightforward. On one hand you have a expensive unit with an expensive service agreement, and on the other hand you have an inexpensive unit with a simple one year warranty (which the vendor has committed to extend to 3 years for this issue). Business people understand risk/reward and will appreciate the difference. If you are really concerned, create a spreadsheet with a 3 or 5 year cost analysis. It should show quite positive, even if you allow for the purchase of a number of cold standby units.
Hi dennypage,
we're now comparing an expensive Cisco system with expensive smartnet contract against a cost effective ADI/Netgate system.
In you words:
Expensive + Support Contract (=peace of mind) - vs - cheap with flawed CPU component & warranty (=risky)You're reasoning that I should accept the risk because after all the ADI system is cost effective and I could afford having a cold spare sitting around.
That would be fine - if - the customer would have known about the risk - before - making that purchase decision.
Of course nobody knew about the issue until recently…. and now I'm sitting on a time bomb.Now that we do know about the issue - it would only be fair if potential customers of the pfSense and Netgate store would be informed about the processor flaw. So they can make an informed decision about the risk they're willing to take.
So going back to my original post - I would be "disappointed" if Netgate/pfSense knowingly sold me a flawed unit.
Why not put sales on hold, and wait for the reworked units ?
You're reasoning that I should accept the risk because after all the ADI system is cost effective and I could afford having a cold spare sitting around. That would be fine - if - the customer would have known about the risk - before - making that purchase decision.
You have always known the risk. It was inherent in the original decision. Sans purchasing cold spares, the original equation was high upfront plus recurring cost giving you 4-72 hours of potential outage (service contract depending) in the event of failure, vs. low upfront with no recurring cost giving you 4-7 days of potential outage in the event of failure during the first year (with no guarantee after). This is a simple risk tradeoff that any business person should be able to get their head around.
If the unit is critical to the business, you stock spares. This is a very common risk mitigation strategy which any business should be able to understand and accept.
High Availability is a thing.
High Availability is a thing.
If I purchase a 4860 HA now from the pfSense store - will the CPU be affected by intel AVR54 ? I think yes.
Running a C2000 CPU side by side in a HA config time works against me - and instead of lowering my risk - I essentially double the exposure to AVR54.
I could follow dennypage's advise and purchase a cold spare, too.All this logic makes a lot of sense when looking at it from a vendors' perspective.
I'm a customer - and all I want is a system not affected by AVR54. Why is that so hard to understand ?
I do understand that this issue is not caused by ADI/Netgate, but intel. We all know that.
For all I know - the Netgate store may not even be around in 3years time when my "clock runs out". Is that something that I should have considered before buying, too?
So let's not worry about stuff thats beyond our control.What IS in Netgate's direct control - are the products currently sold on the Netgate/pfSense store. Unless somebody tells me otherwise - Netgate/pfSense are knowingly selling products affected by intel AVR54.
Why ?
So far I have heard:
"Trust us we'll do the right thing…when it fails"
"What do you expect ? It's cheap"
"Buy an HA system if you need uptime"Neither of above solves my problem. What do you think the resale value is about right now of a SG Series Product ?
I'm a customer - and all I want is a system not affected by AVR54. Why is that so hard to understand ?
We understand it fine, we just disagree that it's reasonable. I understand that there have been scary stories that every avoton/rangeley will magically stop working after 18 or 36 months, but they're BS.
If you need a high degree of uptime, no single device is the right solution, you need to deploy something in a HA configuration. Arguing that deploying 2 rangeleys will increase your risk is nuts; the odds that both will fail simultaneously–even with the errata--is still tremendously low. If that's not good enough, deploy 3. If that's not good enough, why on earth are you even using something like this instead of giving a truck full of money to cisco or juniper?
I'm a customer - and all I want is a system not affected by AVR54. Why is that so hard to understand ?
We understand it fine, we just disagree that it's reasonable.
I've been kind of staying out of this aspect of the debate simply because I understand both sides of the argument. This is a case where both sides are right. However, the above quoted material looks really bad.
It's not reasonable to want a system not impacted by a known bug?
Taking that to an extreme (just to make the point):
So… should we all abandon pfsense and go use little linksys toy routers instead? They have many more "known" issues (both in hardware and software limitations) but I guess it'd be unreasonable to want a router that functions properly? Better yet, let's all run out and buy samsung galaxy note 7's and use THOSE as routers. Sure, they would be extremely slow and might burst into flames at any time, but it'd be unreasonable to expect anything else, wouldn't it?
I'm a customer - and all I want is a system not affected by AVR54. Why is that so hard to understand ?
We understand it fine, we just disagree that it's reasonable.
I've been kind of staying out of this aspect of the debate simply because I understand both sides of the argument. This is a case where both sides are right. However, the above quoted material looks really bad.
It's not reasonable to want a system not impacted by a known bug?
Correct. There is no such thing as a modern CPU with no known bugs. This issue is referred to as AVR54 because it is the 54th issue listed in a 37 page document concerning bugs in the C2000 processor family. Why did this sudden demand for perfection not apply to the first 53 issues? You can dig up similar errata documents for AMD CPUs or other families of Intel CPUs. The only reason you care about this one is because of sensationalized and inaccurate reporting, and expecting the entire industry to do something different on that basis is unreasonable.
Taking that to an extreme (just to make the point):
So… should we all abandon pfsense and go use little linksys toy routers instead? They have many more "known" issues (both in hardware and software limitations) but I guess it'd be unreasonable to want a router that functions properly? Better yet, let's all run out and buy samsung galaxy note 7's and use THOSE as routers. Sure, they would be extremely slow and might burst into flames at any time, but it'd be unreasonable to expect anything else, wouldn't it?
You're not making a point, you're sounding ridiculous. You seriously want to assert that an issue that slightly increases the failure rate of a family of microprocessors is the same thing as a failure mode that causes uncontrolled combustion and actually has the potential for injury or death? Dial down the rhetoric and focus on reality, please.
First question: what was the expected service life of a motherboard with an embedded C2000? (Expected answer: you have no idea.) Second question: what was the expected failure rate for that motherboard? (Expected answer: you have no idea.) Third question: how much higher than anticipated is the failure rate for that motherboard, given AVR54? (Still no idea, right?) Look, your motherboard could fail prematurely due to any number of factors: bad capacitor, cold solder joint, contaminant in the silicon, whatever: motherboards fail from this sort of thing as a matter of course. But now that AVR54 got some press, you're asserting that since your motherboard could fail due to this specific issue, ignoring the fact that it could fail due to any number of other issues, you deserve a new motherboard. That's unreasonable.
IF it were really the case that every C2000 would stop working after 3 years, then there'd be an argument that there should be a recall–but that's not the case even if some scare stories suggested that it was.
As I've said before, if you have a contract which specifies a failure rate, and this flaw means that your supplier can't meet the contractual requirement, then you've got a legitimate beef. (E.g., if you're cisco and you contracted to intel as a supplier...) But if you're an end user with no idea what the failure rate was before this errata was published, you can't suddenly pretend that the failure rate is something you were always concerned about.
Correct. There is no such thing as a modern CPU with no known bugs. This issue is referred to as AVR54 because it is the 54th issue listed in a 37 page document concerning bugs in the C2000 processor family. Why did this sudden demand for perfection not apply to the first 53 issues?
How many of those other issues results in a dead system? That's the difference.
You're not making a point, you're sounding ridiculous. You seriously want to assert that an issue that slightly increases the failure rate of a family of microprocessors is the same thing as a failure mode that causes uncontrolled combustion and actually has the potential for injury or death? Dial down the rhetoric and focus on reality, please.
To some people, if their network goes down, it can result in injury or death. (Granted, those people really should have HA systems.) My idea was to take it to an extreme to try and show you how other people might see this… I obviously failed either because I didn't express myself well enough, or you just don't want to see both sides of the argument.
First question: what was the expected service life of a motherboard with an embedded C2000? (Expected answer: you have no idea.)
Surpise: 7 years. From supermicro's website for their C2758 motherboard (point #10 in their key features list):
Being that you made a wrong assumption on your first question, the rest aren't really relevant, are they? You are also ignoring the difference between an unexpected failure and a known defect that can cause a failure.
IF it were really the case that every C2000 would stop working after 3 years, then there'd be an argument that there should be a recall–but that's not the case even if some scare stories suggested that it was.
Actually, we don't actually know the failure rate (as you pointed out.) Intel has hidden that information. If it was an extremely low number, I wouldn't expect them to hide it, though…. Instead, they'd advertise that "only 1 in xxx million will ever have this issue, so don't worry about it!" That leads me to believe that it's higher than most people would be comfortable with.
(Even netgate stated that the "majority" of people won't have the issue. That could be interpreted as "49% of the people WILL have this issue.")