Static route between 2 pfSense
Seems to have auto-added them. The static route addition seemed to probably cause the auto-generation. However, DNS isn't passing all the way down for some reason. The other subnets are on other interfaces that I didn't show on the picture.
Sorry. No idea what "DNS isn't passing down" means. Need to know where the DNS clients are, what their configured name servers are, and what is not working to be able to have a chance at helping.
Sorry, the subnet now passes traffic after I added the static route, but is not resolving DNS.
So, if you're a client on, no DNS resolution. I tried putting PF Sense as the DNS IP ( and also directly to the DNS provider and no luck.
I'm still experimenting with this so I'll get back to you before I ask it again. I made a rule to tag DNS pass traffic on that interface to see if it's getting to PF via log checking. Will post when I see what's up.