Access webConfigurator via link-local IPv6?
Hi guys
I've got native IPv6 and have my LAN set to Track. ISP gives me a /56 and I have the first /64 assigned to my LAN. So all is fine there and I can access the pfSense GUI at e.g. https://[2604:2000:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:a2ff:fe0a:zzzz]. But if that WAN goes down, the IPv6 gets removed from the LAN interface, and the webGUI becomes unavailable (have to switch to IPv4). I tried to instead browse to the link-local IP which should always be there regardless of WAN status, but it doesn't work- https://[fe80::1:1%igb0] just gives me an error (tried Chrome, Safari, Firefox…)
Does anyone know if this is possible to do? Is nginx even listening on this address? Is this even a thing? thanks -
Sadly the problem is that IPv6 link-local IPv6 addresses must include a scope when used, like you show ending in %igb0 (but using your client PC's network card name!), but browsers have decided that figuring out scoped addresses is too hard and they won't make it work. spent some time testing it out a while back, I could not get any current browser to work with it.
The daemon is bound there, and responds when queried. From a command prompt I can hit the port with nc, and I can ssh to the box using the scoped address.
The problem is entirely the browser.
Gotcha, thank you for the great explanation. It confirms what I thought but I wanted to be sure. I submitted PR#3636 yesterday to at least partially work around the "issue".
Why are you using %igb0? For that to work you'd need a BSD GUI desktop with an Intel NIC. If you're on Linux or Windows %igb0 is wrong.
Why are you using %igb0? For that to work you'd need a BSD GUI desktop with an Intel NIC. If you're on Linux or Windows %igb0 is wrong.
Yes, I'd tried %en0 and %en1 as well. No luck.
It just has to match whatever the name of the network card is. On Linux I can use %eth0 and it works for other things (ping, ssh, etc), on Mac %en0 works, on Windows %0 works if it's the first nic (second would be %1 and so on)
That doesn't matter to browsers since they won't properly interpret the scoped URL.
I did forget one thing, but it's kind of useless. There is one browser that does work with scoped URLs. The text-only console browser, Links.
That tangent had nothing to do with this thread topic so I split it off.
As mentioned, browsers don't work with link local IPv6 addresses. What I do when I don't have an IPv6 address is just manually enter the IPv4 address. It's easy enough to remember
BTW, that's a secret address, so don't tell anyone. ;)
If you only have IPv6 or want to use fe80::1:1, You could also ssh to the link-local address and use an ssh forward and load up localhost:443