Please, could I get some help with load balancing/multiwan setup
I have tried to setup now dual wan with some success(I plan to add 3rd WAN once this works), but I fail to get the results that I'm trying to achieve.
1. I have setup interfaces with WAN and WAN2
2. I made gateways for both WAN and WAN2
3. I made gateway group for loadbalancing with WAN and WAN2 as tier 2
4. I created firewall rules so that LAN use gateway group for load balacing
What I have achieved is that my connection uses both WAN and WAN2 while connecting. They both are used equal amount.
Still for some reason speeds are NOT double of one connection. Instead I see both connections to use less bandwidth.
So I have 2x50/20 connections with 4G chips in Asus 4G-AC55U. If I test connection from either of Asus boxes I get full 50/20 speeds. But When I use pfsense which is plugged into both of them with gigabit ethernet cable, I only get the same speed 50/20 (or sometimes less)I have seen videos in youtube and read forums, I know it is possible to double speeds with 2 WAN connections, so I do I get so bad speeds? Is there something I'm doing wrong? Is there some addition settings required? I have tested connection with speeds tests, downloading multiple files at the same time and also downloading with torrent (for example latest ubuntu desktop).
I would appriciate any help, and feel free to link any guides that might solve my problem.
Thank you for reading my post,best regards,