Ovh Dedicated Server + multiple ip on same network card
I use pfsense on a dedicated server from ovh. it work fine.
I want to add another ip to my first network card to do 1:1 Nat.
I add an virtual ip (ip alias)when i do an ifconfig for my ix0 ethernet card i have
inet 149.x.x.x netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast 149.x.x.x
inet 178.x.x.x netmask 0xffffffff broadcast 178.x.x.xwhere 149.x.x.x is the ip of my server who work fine (i can ping it and do rules ….)
and 178.x.x.x is my second ipwhen i test to ping my second ip(178.x.x.x) i have no answer.
i create a 1:1 rules to transfer this ip to my internal server but it dont work.What is the problem?
somebody can help me?
best regards.Lolo
Have you also added a firewall rule to WAN to permit the access?
I have find the problem
I contact the ovh support.
when I configure the ip on ovh manager I have a mac adress define for this ip (before I use this ip for a virtual machine) .
and if and mac adress is define I can't use it to connect directly from a physical server.
when I delete the mac adress I can ping it with no problem :)Lolo