VIP Not Working
I currently have 3 interfaces on my PFSense box.
One interface is LAN, One is T1, and the other is Cable.
I have a failover in place for the T1 and Cable.
Each interface (besides the lan) has a static IP assigned by my ISP.
I tried to setup 2 VIP's, I selected CARP and put a password in along with a VHID group.
Each VIP has a diff VHID group and the same password.
I then did a nat 1:1 from each static IP to the lan IP.Once I access one of the static IP's, they go to my pfsense box, not the internal lan I assigned it to go to.
The other IP I cannot even access.
Both IP's cannot be accessed outside of my LAN, only one can be accessed from inside my LAN.I am stumped and do not know what to do.
Any thoughts?I have attached my configuration file below.
I have also taken screenshots of my setup.