No route to host after reboot
After rebooting either of two pfSense boxes, all interfaces come back up. All routes are populated in the routing table as well as the default gateway. From within pfSense, I can ping the default gateway, as well as the next hop beyond the gateway. Yet, the hop after that or any other traffic destined for anywhere else will result in a "no route to host" message within pfSense. The next hop is in a separate subnet. The WAN address and default gateway are in the same subnet. The gateway page shows the gateway as up (green). The only way to fix this seems to be to go into any of the interface configs or the gateway/routes settings and hit Save and Apply. I don't have to change anything. I just need to reapply, and then seconds later the problem is fixed. Nothing out of the ordinary in the logs that I've noticed. The problem only seems to affect inside users going outside. While the problem is happening, I can still VPN in from the outside and the reverse proxy still works as well. The problem is the same on two separate firewalls (which are configured in an HA setup), so it must be related to my config. I'm on 2.3.2, but the problem has happened with earlier 2.3 versions as well. Any ideas? Thanks.
Having the same issue. Although this between the OpenVPN server and the client. What happens is when the PfSense is rebooted and a client connects to the vpn none of the routes are pushed to the client, only after I go in to the OpenVPN configuration and click SAVE will it start working again even though the routes are still there.
I think it could be the OpenVPN .conf file is overwritten after reboot and anything in the bottom box where you'd put you custom routes are discarded.
2.3.2-RELEASE (amd64)
built on Tue Jul 19 12:44:43 CDT 2016
FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p5openvpn-2.3.11 Secure IP/Ethernet tunnel daemon
openvpn-client-export-2.4.2_1 OpenVPN Client Export