Routing problem between PPPoE and LAN
Router: Bridge Mode (
Pfsense have 3 interfaces
- WAN(re0) Gw:
- LAN (re1)
- OPT1 (created using PPPs: PPPoe over re0): ISP IP received, Ping working to websites
Problem: Internet not accessible from LAN (re1)
Please help me in routing
Firewall->rule->LAN tab
Rule: ip4* -> Lan net -> to any, THEN advance setting set gateway to OPT1
Cheers and Party TIME
Basically you made Opt another WAN. What's up with your WAN on re0, why don't you use that?
Basically you made Opt another WAN. What's up with your WAN on re0, why don't you use that?
Its Correct, but I have 4 internet connection all via router(one in bridge mode) and all router connect to unmanaged switch, now to route through bridge router, I have to define gateway on WAN, and PPPoe over WAN, so I did that way
if you or any one have other idea, please share, Always ready to learn new things
Pardon my delay reply