Need to find WAN (em0) DUID for ipv6
If you use pfsense 2.4 beta, the DUID is displayed in System / Advanced / Networking / IPv6 Options / DHCP6 DUID. It's a DUID-LLT format.
As Bimmnerdriver says.
Use version 2.4B. The DUID is then stored in the config file and will never change. Earlier pfSense versions can lose the DUID, especially if you are using a RAM disk. Goto System / Advanced / Networking / IPv6 Options / DHCP6 DUID and click SAVE.
If you use an earlier version then the DUID is created by the dhcp6c client, and is created in /var/db, it goes by the name pf dhcp6c_duid. It's a binary file so you would need to read it in a hex editor.
However, as I have said, if you use and earlier version than 2.4B you run the risk of the DUID changing.