IPSEC Mobile Beta 4 Broken ?
I have not changed any settings since update to Beta 4 but I now cannot login with mobile client with VPN Tracker by equinux. While in Beta 3 login worked as a charm.
Anybody else having issues ?
I have some mobile IPSEC scenarios where clients or other pfSenses and m0n0s join as mobile clients as they have dynamic IPs. I don't see any issues with these. I also have a colleague using SSH-Sentinel to join with his notebook his homenetwork (it even works with a dyndns account at the pfSense at his end).
Can you get us some logs of both ends (pfSense systemlogs and clientlogs though I don't know this client)?
Also make sure that your client is behind a device that supports IPSEC Passthrough and there are no restrictions to use IPSEC. IPSEC uses some special protocols that have to be handled correctly.